Team communication
About this workshop
Nothing is more frustrating and ineffective than miscommunication. Especially when you try to work together, have a passion for the job and want to achieve goals. Business goals or softer goals, such as an improved atmosphere in the department. The frustration can become so great that we even doubt whether certain colleagues have good intentions, as we do. It speaks for itself that this train of thought does not contribute to improving the situation.
A step in the desired direction is made by better understanding why someone communicates in a certain way. Just like recognizing your own pitfalls, how to avoid them and how to better connect with the other person is beneficial.
Recommended for teams where giving feedback, ambiguity, providing criticism, building air castles, doom-mongering, gossip, dominance, meddling or the withholding of information is an issue. In short, for regular teams that want to develop further.
Developing your team

Team communication